Boss VE20 2 EMC20 EGC20 Explaining

Boss VE20 2 EMC20 2 EGC20 Explaining

Boss VE20 2 EMC20 2 EGC20 Explaining

In addition to suits, over the years Hugo boss has branched out into shirts, ties, tuxedos, underwear, footwear, sunglasses plus a variety of mens cologne and womens fragrances.

Today’s sub-brands for men include: boss Black/Boss Black Selection, Boss Green, Boss Orange, Hugo, and Baldessarini. For women: Boss Black, Boss Orange (announced in July 2005 for Spring/Summer 2006 launch) and Hugo. Also part of the brand are Lifestyle Accessories.

Hugo boss began his clothing business in 1923 in Metzingen, where it is even now based, a little town south of Stuttgart, Germany. However, owing to the financial conditions in Germany at the time Boss was forced into bankruptcy during 1930. Undeterred, Hugo formed a new firm and in 1931 became a member of the Nazi party. Together with the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933, Boss’s business also started to flourish as he became the endorsed supplier of uniforms to the SA and SS guards.

All fragrance brands (Hugo, Hugo boss and Baldessarini) are now owned by Procter & Gamble.

With the defeat of Nazism in 1945, boss was accused of sympathy to the Nazi cause and was denied the permission to take part in an election in Germany and ordered to pay a fine. He died in 1948 however his company continued and in 1953, with the need for SS uniforms vanished, the business turned its hand to manufacturing suits. The timing was perfect, as the male style industry was just establishing itself and through the 60’s and 70’s Boss outfits grew to be the level for quality, fashionable menswear.